Episode 9
Sade was taking a nap when she heard her phone ring. She opened her eyes to check who was calling her, it was Femi.
She became a bit angry when she saw he was the one calling. She let it ring off but her phone rang the second time again, it was still Femi. She decided to pick the call to hear what he has to say and to tell him not call her again.
” Hello, Sade…” Femi voiced out at the other end.
” What…” Sade answered angrily.
” How are you doing?”
” What is it? What do you want from me? After you almost ruined my life, you still have the gut to call me ask me how I am fairing? Ehn… answer me nau..” Sade flared up angrily over the phone.
” Sade… it is not like that. Why do you make me feel like I killed somebody. I apologized to you. It was a mistake. It wasn’t intentional. I didn’t plan to do that.” Femi answered.
” Oh… you mean it wasn’t intentional? In fact, do you know what the relationship I had with has cost me? Do you?” Sade asked feeling teary.
” I know it has cost you a lot but no matter what it has cost you, I still love you with the whole of my heart. I love you more than any other thing. You are my first love and you will always be. Sade, please give me a chance in your life and let me show you what true love is. Give me a chance in your life, I promise that if you do so, you will never regret it…” Femi said emotionally.
” Mtcheew…” Sade hissed and she cut the call on him.
Sade’s Mum was coming into Sade’s room to have a discussion with her when she heard her talking to someone angrily over the phone. She didn’t know who the person was but she knew from their conversation that it was a guy.
After she heard that she has hung up the call on the person, she quietly went back to the sitting room so that Sade will not know she has been eavesdropping on her. She decided to come back to her room later.
Few minutes later, Sade’s Mum went into Sade’s room.
” Sade… Folasade… I hope you are enjoying yourself.” Sade’s Mum asked. Sade was lost in thought and she stared into space when her Mum entered.
” Yes, Mum. I am enjoying myself. Thanks for the meal that I took. It has been a long while since I ate something like that.” Sade said.
” Oh, really…” Sade’s Mum asked.
” Yes, Mummy. In fact, it is always hard for me to cook because I would have been so tired before I come back from work.” Sade said.
” Hmm… my daughter is now always forming busy even when I know that there are times she is not. You that I know very well that you do not like cooking, you are now using busyness to cover up. Be deceiving yourself.”
” No, Mummy. I am not deceiving myself. I am saying the truth.” Sade said laughing.
” Motigbo e… (I have heard you). Sade, I want to ask you some questions and I hope that you will tell me the truth.” Sade’s Mum asked.
” Sure Mum. I will.”
” You know I have always said it that anytime you are going through anything, you should always let me know.” Sade’s Mum said.
“Yes, Mum.”
” But of recent you have not been your real self of recent. I don’t know what is it that you are going through but I can feel it. Do not ask me how I got to know, remember I am your mother.” Sade’s Mum began.
” Mum… there is nothing wrong with me, I have been fine and I am fine. I don’t know where you got what you are saying from.” Sade said.
” You and I know it that you are not fine. You know what, when a little child decides to make a fire all by himself, without an elderly person’s guide, he or she will get burnt by the fire. You have been threading the wrong path, Sade!” Sade’s Mum said.
” No, mum. These fact are untrue.” Sade answered.
” No, Sade. These are realities.”
“Ok, Mum. I have not been threading the wrong path and there is no way I will get lost since I am on the right path.” Sade said. She became adamant she doesn’t want to talk to her Mum about it.
Sade’s Mum too became surprised at her daughter’s reaction. She knew Sade so well.
” Sade, when was the last time you had your personal devotion with God?”
” This morning.”
” Ok… it seems you did not understand what I told you earlier, maybe because I was only saying things from my head. Do you know what the bible says in proverbs chapter 6 verse 27 and 28?”
” Yes, Mum.” Sade answered feeling uneasy.
” Ok, bring your Bible and let me read it out.” Sade handed over her bible to her Mum and she read it out.
” Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his cloth not be burned? Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? Sade, I will still repeat it you have been threading on the wrong path. It is only a time bomb that is about to explode but you may not know it. The devil is only trying to deceive you do that you can miss the glorious future God has for you.” Sade’s Mum said.
Sade became emotional as tears filled her eyes. Her Mum moved closer to her on the bed to embrace her in a warm hug and to give her a pat on the back.
” Sade, I don’t know what it is since you have refused to tell me but I know deep down that everything is not fine. The Lord is waiting to receive you back. Do not waste your time and destiny for a mere enjoyment that will not last. Do not truncate God’s purpose for your life with your hands. Do not miss God’s will for your life. Sade, I don’t know if you have forgotten but you always tell me that God’s purpose for you is to bring youths and children in the way of the Lord. I hope you haven’t forgotten.” Sade’s Mum said.
” No, Mummy.”
” But what happened that made you forgot God’s purpose for you. I will be praying for you. It will be well.” Sade’s Mum said with assurance.
Sade’s Mum tried her best in raising all her children in the way of the Lord but she suddenly didn’t know what happened to Sade. She is so concerned and she doesn’t want her to miss it in life and destiny.
To be Continued…
©Gloria Oluwafunmike