The Costly Mistake

Episode 3

The following week, Femi came to Ibadan. He called Sade to let her know of his arrival and Sade was happy to know that he is in Ibadan already.

Sade quickly arranged the books on her table to leave the school premises so that she can go pick Femi up from where he was because he doesn’t know where she stays.

Wumi was surprised to see her in a rush, she asked to know where she was going to that made her start rushing. Though, it was already closing time and both of them used to go home together as their house is not far from each other.

Sade told her that she wants to go see someone and they won’t be able to go home together for that day. Wumi pressed further to know who the person was but Sade didn’t disclose that to her and she left.


“Good afternoon.” Sade greeted him when she got to where Femi was.

” Oh, my darling. It is good to see you…oh, enter inside the car na.” Femi said as he beckoned on Sade to enter the car.

“I am good and I am happy to see you. I have missed you a lot. How was the journey? I hope it wasn’t stressful.”

” You, miss me? You didn’t miss me at all because if you did, you would have come to see me since.” Femi said feigning seriousness.

” No now. Not that I did not want to come but I have always been busy and you know it.” Sade answered.

” Ok, I understand you but out of your busy schedule, you need to create time to come see me and just for you to know my place in Port Harcourt even if it is just for a day.” Femi said.

” Alright, I will.” Sade said smiling.

” I am very sure that you did not want me to come to your place but before I called you, I already prayed to God that he will allow you to grant my request. In fact, I was so surprised when you said yes.”

” Oh, really.” Sade said feeling surprised.

” Yes now, thank God you said yes. Now, I will be able to see you physically for the few days I will be staying here in Ibadan.”

” Alright, what if I decide not to let you see me for those three days.” Sade asked.

” Ah, you dare not try it. That is the reason why I am here na.”

” So because you want to see me, that was the reason why you didn’t answer me when I asked how your journey was.”

” Oh, I forgot. I am very sorry. My journey was fine because I was thinking about you throughout the journey.” Femi said grinning.

” Jesus! So, you were thinking about me throughout the journey, what if you had an accident because I knew you would not be able to concentrate on driving.” Sade asked, feeling surprised that he thought about her throughout the journey.

” And here I am safe because your thoughts made me focus on driving more.” Femi answered.

“Ah…really. What were you even thinking about me?” Sade asked and she urged him to drive home so that he could rest and they continued their conversation as they drove home.

When they got home, Sade brought up the idea of him lodging in the hotel for the main time that he will be staying in Ibadan.

“Baby, I think you will have to lodge at the hotel for the days that you will be staying with me.” Sade said carefully.

” And why.” Femi asked.

“You know as christians, we are not supposed to spend the night together in the same room because we are not yet married.” Sade answered.

“Oh, ok. I understand you but that doesn’t mean anything. I am only staying for 3 days, a hotel is not necessary. Let me stay here, no one will know that you are hosting a man in your house since I will not be going out.” Femi replied.

” Hmm… but me I am scared ooo because I do not want a situation whereby somebody will be carrying my gist around that a man is living inside my house. You know what people can do na.” Sade said.

” There’s nothing they will do. I assure you that no one will know that I am here.” Femi said, assuring her.

Sade was kind of relieved but she is still kind of skeptical about it.

To be Continued…
©Gloria Oluwafunmike