While the joy of Valentine’s Day can be fun to participate in, it’s also a great opportunity to teach your kids about kindness and real love. Here are seven ways to make Valentine’s Day make a remarkable impact in your family:
1. Have your kids write a note to their sibling(s) with some reasons why they love and appreciate them.
2. Take the time to talk about what Love really is to your kids and set family goals about how you love one another better this year.
3. Go out to dinner as a family and bring a deck of cards to play while you wait for your food; ensure all problems are on silent mode or switched off.
4. Ask your kids to think about something nice they would like to do for someone they know and help them make it happen!
5. Have your kids ask you questions about your relationship and how you met.
6. Show your kids a wedding picture and have your kids draw their version of it; tell them the story of your relationship and tell them what it was about their mom/dad that made you fall in love with them.
7. Decide as a family to volunteer together to show love to others.