Oh! This urge is too much for me to bear.
I can’t control myself anymore. What has this bro Ade done to me? I really can’t concentrate on anything I do anymore.
This is unlike me. I have promised myself and God since I came to this state to abstain from premarital sex and to serve Him with my totality.
I had even encouraged so many young teenagers to keep themselves pure and serve God wholeheartedly.
I really don’t understand why everything is becoming this way.
Seriously, I can’t imagine that I couldn’t even concentrate at all in the last meeting we had all because bro Ade was there.
I even said so many foolish words to Sister Mirabel, and I know she would be shocked to hear that I was actually the one saying all those words.
What has gotten over me? This is not me at all. I am the youth prayer coordinator yet I am allowing all these evil thoughts to run through my mind.
Imagine me even forming lies to get Bro Ade. Oh! What have I gotten myself into?
Remember that you are twenty-six already and you don’t have time by your side again.
All your mates have married all those rich men in church and are now having kids of their own. You are still here claiming to live a sexually pure life.
How long will you continue to wait? Is it until another sensible sister take bro Ade from you before you will become wise? Or have you forgotten bro Segun who was on fire for God like bro Ade? The way you thought that God will direct him to you but was later shocked when his wedding invitation was announced that beautiful Sunday in church? Now he has married and has relocated.
You still want to leave bro Ade so that he would bring another young lady right? Don’t be foolish Florence. I heard a voice speaking so loud in my mind.
No! I can’t be foolish this time around. I love bro Ade from the depth of my heart. I don’t want to loose him to another lady.
I won’t be able to bear the pains. This guy is the perfect kind of man I had ever wanted. Men with such great qualities are very scarce to get. I am not even getting any younger. Oh no! I must not miss bro Ade. I will die if he leaves me for another lady. Oh! This is just too much for me to bear.
Who are you? I heard a silent voice in my spirit.
What sort of question is this? I am Florence of course.
But that is just your name. Who are you?
I don’t understand. Who am I?
Well! That shouldn’t be a topic for discussion right now. Why will such question be coming to my mind when I’m battling with what to do to get bro Ade in my arms? I need to have bro Ade for myself.
But the truth is that I have been serving God faithfully all these years yet He don’t want to compensate me with good thing like bro Ade. I have kept myself pure for these number of years but God does not seem to be satisfied with my act of purity. Is it a crime to serve God? All those ladies who never served God like I did and even committed many abortions are now married and have settled down with their husbands, kids and nice jobs. While I am still here as a single lady trying to get a guy who don’t even seem to care if I exist at all talk more of knowing that I am dying silently with the feelings I have for him.
These are the more reasons why you need to act very fast Florence. Time waits for no man. You have to apply wisdom in this your Christian race. Stop behaving like a fool. The fact that you are a Christian does not mean that you are senseless. You have to arise and take what belongs to you by force. Even if it means you going to any length just to get bro Ade, you better do it oh. Don’t allow another mistake to repeat itself. After all, you have all it takes to get bro Ade. You are very beautiful, with the right curves. No other guy deserve you except bro Ade. You better use what you have to get what you want right now. No matter the spirituality of bro Ade, he won’t be able to resist you. Do something with this beautiful body of yours to get bro Ade for yourself. The strange voice told me in a more louder tone.
Don’t be an instrument in the hand of the devil my daughter. Never allow the devil to destroy all your efforts in my vineyard just for a piece of cake which will not last for a day. I understand how you feel but this is not the time to back out. Don’t give the devil a space in your heart. You mean a lot to me and I cherish you a lot. The gentle voice spoke lovingly in my heart and I broke down in tears.
Oh! This is just too much for me to bear Lord. The pressure on me is just too much. I am tired of how other sisters are mocking me everyday. I really need a husband Lord. I am tired of waiting for that person you destined for me. I just want to marry any person and be happy. I want to have children of my own. My parents are not even helping issues at all. I feel bad for staying pure. Others who did so many bad things are the ones that are blessed. For how long will I continue to wait on you? This is the only opportunity I have to grab what belongs to me. I just can’t allow another person take him away from me. At least he is a spiritual brother so I am safe. We would serve you together.
Have you come this long to give up? What about those you have preached to? What will happen to them? Do you know that the consequences of your decisions are not just about you alone but also affects other people including the ones you don’t even know because they have been watching you secretly and have been following your footsteps? Yes! I know that you have been serving me faithfully but there are still a lot that is hindering you from meeting the one whom I had prepared for you.
You haven’t yielded yourself to me completely. There are still a lot to be done in your life to make you fit. I still need to work on your character. I still need to work on all of your weaknesses but the truth is that you haven’t given me the liberty to prune you. You are still holding back some certain areas of your life.
Though you work tirelessly in my vineyard but your walk with me is not encouraging. You are always too busy with activities that you don’t have time for me personally. I had desired to have fellowship with you so many times but you are always not available. You are known to be a firebrand sister and very hard-working as well in church but your relationship with me is very cold. There are lots of assignments you needed to have done in this your single period but you haven’t done any of them. You are just too concerned about what is going on in other people’s lives and that is why you have remained this way without any progress. For how long will you continue to compare and compete with others?
Florence! You are a royal priesthood and I hope you know that royalty don’t settle down for just anything? Others may be in a hurry to get whatever they want but yours is different because it needs to be prepared with great caution and with the best ingredients. You are priceless my dear. So stop being too desperate. The fact that Ade, my son is highly spiritual doesn’t make him fit for you in marriage. Both of you are not going the same way. His own destiny and assignment is totally different from yours. Never allow the spirituality of a brother or the tongues that he speaks make you get carried away. Marrying the right person is beyond looking at the tongues he speaks and how he commands fire. Be focused on your God given assignment and never allow the devil to play pranks on you. As you yield to me, I will teach you more on marriage.
It is because the devil has seen how desperate you are to be married, that is why he is giving you so many reasons to go against the will of God in your life. Never give any space to the devil in your heart because that little leakage can actually lead to your downfall. You should refuse to allow yourself to be an instrument in the hands of the devil. Rebuke him and stand firm with God’s word. I heard the voice clearly as I laid down on my bed crying.
Oh Father! Please have mercy on me. I am deeply sorry for what I have done. Thank you for not condemning me. Thank you for not allowing me to fall for the tricks of the devil. Oh! I am so grateful for your great love towards me. I was already on my way to destruction but you saved me. Thank you for being a wonderful friend to me.
Lord please forgive me for being too busy with so many activities and neglecting my personal relationship and fellowship with you. I’m sorry for always ignoring your presence all the time.
Right now! I yield myself to you. Please use me the way you want. I give you the liberty to correct, direct and guide my life. Help me to do that which you have instructed me to do. Help me not to fail you oh God. Help me not to disappoint all those looking unto me as a model. Help me to wait on you patiently and never to compete or compare myself with others. Let my life show forth your beauty and glory in all areas. Grant me the grace to focus my gaze on you alone and no else.
Revive me again Lord. Give me more hunger for you oh God. Strengthen me Lord.
Oh! Thank you loving Father. Thank you for who you are in my life.
*. *. *
Mr Ayo! This woman is not pleased with all these many excuses. She is threatening to leave this company and invest somewhere else. I had to plead with her. I had no choice but to lie that Mr. Ade had an emergency call from home and will not be back until after three weeks. Since she is not in this company, then she would not know that he is actually available. I told her that there is someone else who is ready to satisfy her. Though she was reluctant at first but finally accepted. She requested to see you first before knowing what next to do.
Wow! This is a good news sir. I am very happy to hear this sir. At last! We will not loose her in this company. I’m very happy right now.
I am happy as well. But the ball is in your court right now. You need to handle it very well. If you play wisely, then she will have no other choice but to accept you. We are all depending on you in this company please don’t let us down. I told her a lot of beautiful things about you and she just can’t wait to meet you in person. I believe that God is using the disobedience of your friend to open way for you because this is a divine favor from God. Your life would be so blessed and even your friend will envy you.
Indeed! I am very lucky sir and it’s all because of my smartness. The truth is that God gives everyone great opportunities but so many people like my friend are very foolish to accept it. I am here in this world to make it and I will use every opportunity I have to become great. I won’t allow anything or anyone to stop me from becoming great.
That is the spirit my boy! In fact! You are indeed very smart. I’m so glad we have you in this company else, it would have been another story entirely because other employees are not as intelligent and diligent like you and your friend. It’s just a pity that your friend has chosen to be the architect of his own misfortune. Well! That is his business.
So what do you think I should do to Mr. Ade to punish him for rejecting my offer and for making me go through so much stress? I have sworn already to make him shed tears and run to my office to plead for mercy. I really want to teach him a very hard lesson that will make him understand that those useless principles of his had no reward at all. He should know that God is not even in support of his foolishness all in the name of principles.
Hmmm! I really don’t know what to say sir. But I will advice that you leave Mr. Ade with his foolishness alone. Please don’t bother yourself trying to punish him or do something bad to him. Just allow him to be where he is for your own good sir.
What do you mean for my own good? And how on Earth will you advice me to leave that stupid boy who had embarrassed me and caused me so much trouble in the last few days? Or is it because he is your friend? Are you trying to defend him or shield him from my wrath?
Not at all sir. You really won’t understand sir. The truth is that my friend is not an ordinary guy. Since I knew Ade right from our undergraduate level, I had noticed something about his life. Whenever anyone plan evil against Ade, such person would be visited by an unknown voice either in the dream or in the physical. If such person is lucky to be a believer but still planning evil against Ade, the voice will advice and even go to the extent of using every means to change the heart of such person but if the person is an unbeliever and very stubborn, such person will suffer dearly for it. And all these happens mostly without the awareness of bro Ade. An invisible being is always fighting for him.
Ha! Ha! Ha! That is just a child’s story. Such nonsense will never happen to me. I don’t believe such evil stories anymore. I don’t care about the invisible being that is fighting for him, I will deal with him mercilessly. He won’t go unpunished. I can even go as far as terminating his appointment in this company so that he can Atleast start begging on the street to survive. Maybe its because of the peanut salary he is receiving that is why he hasn’t changed such nonsense principles.
Sir! Please don’t do anything to him for your own good. The last time he rejected the offer of the manager it was terrible. The manager was very furious and even swore to deal with him but something mysterious happened to him that same night and till today he has not done anything to Mr. Ade. Rather, he tries everything as much as possible never to have anything to do with him in this company. That is why I said you should leave him alone. Just allow him to continue with his foolishness sir. But don’t go near him to do any evil else, you might not survive it sir. Ade is untouchable.
Enough of all these nonsense Mr. Ayo. Why are you making it look as if he is a small god and most powerful? Do you know the kind of power I possess as well? I will show him the kind of stuff I am made of. You just watch and see.
Now! I want you to go and prepare yourself very well because you will be meeting Madam Carthy first thing tomorrow morning. Here is the address. Please I want to get a very good report from you and from her as well. Make sure you don’t disappoint me.
I won’t disappoint you sir. I will do my best to make you and even the whole of this company very proud. I will ensure she sign all the papers. She would not even believe that a guy like me can give her all the satisfaction she had always desired.
Good! I shall be waiting for you. Good luck my dear. Have a nice day.
Thank you sir.