Wow! That’s a very good news Mr. Ayo.
In fact! I am very proud of you. Thank you so much for not disappointing me and the company as a whole.
You don’t know what you have just done. You have just won the biggest favor in life. That woman will make you and your generation to become very rich.
You will never know poverty in life anymore.
Oh! You are such a very lucky man with great wisdom.
I am very happy for you. How I wished Madam Carthy has accepted me from the very beginning, I would have been swimming in money right now.
Ah! Ah! You mean she rejected you? But you are more qualified than any of us in this company.
Why didn’t she offer you the job? Earlier on I thought you were not just interested, I never knew she rejected your offer sir. Please what happened sir because that woman looks very calm and kind as well.
I can’t imagine her refusing to give you the offer.
Hmmm! My dear! I never expected her to reject me.
I did everything possible just to convince her when she initially chose your friend but all she told me was that I don’t have what she need inside of me.
Though it looks like an insult on my personality but on a second thought, I believe she thinks I am not young enough for her.
So I had to accept it that way.
I believe she is looking for a very young, cute and handsome guy like you and your friend. It’s a pity she just concluded that I don’t have what she wants because I look older.
Anyway! I’m very happy she has finally picked someone from this same company because that has been my greatest fear when that stupid friend of yours rejected the offer.
My mind is now at rest now. All I need to do is just to plan on how the huge amount of money would be shared.
As for you Mr. Ayo, you don’t need to worry at all because she has promised to pay you specially to your bank account but will send a huge amount of money to the company for myself and the manager.
Seriously, I can’t wait for this money to come. I have planned a lot of things that I will use that money for.
Same here sir. I believe that this is a divine favor from God and I’m grateful He chose me instead of that foolish friend of mine. I have also planned greatly for the huge amount of money she would pay me. I will do something very huge in this society that people will hear my name.
Wow! That reminds me of that your foolish friend who thinks he can just mess up with me and go scot-free. I told you that he can’t escape my own punishment even if he has been escaping others. I just finished drafting a letter now for him and will be sending it to the headquarters tomorrow asking them to terminate his appointment here due to lots of damages he has committed. He is causing the growth of this company to move backward rather than progressing. He has decided to tarnish the image of this company by being irresponsible. His plans is just to ruin this company. Imagine the huge investment he rejected all because of his personal principles. Since he can’t change his principles for his well-paid job, then I think he should go somewhere else where his useless and old-fashioned principles would be accepted. Enough of all those nonsense he has been doing. Since he has claimed to be more powerful than the manager, then I will show him the kind of stuff I am made of. He can’t just remain here dictating what and what should be done and not to be done here all in the name of principles.
But sir! Despite the foolishness of Mr. Ade, he has done a lot for the growth of this company. To be honest sir, he has been a source of good luck to this company that even all the employees and the manager can testify to. That was why he was celebrated as the best staff of the company last year. The headquarters are very much aware of his great inputs in this company as well. So I don’t think it would be very easy to execute this great plan of yours.
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! You are too funny Mr. Ayo. Why are you talking like a child? Do you think I will do it in the normal way? No! That’s not my plan my dear. I know it would be very difficult to terminate him just like that so I will do it in a diabolical way. Since he has always claimed to be a great child of God and had refused to do anything that would displease God, then we shall see if that God will truly defend him and save him from my hands. I want to know that God whom he has always claimed to be His Father.
Hmmm! This is very serious. I never knew you were really serious about the threat you gave to him the other day. Anyway! I am fully behind you sir. I also want Ade to be terminated so that I would be receiving all the good lucks he has been taking from me. I am tired of seeing everyone respecting him greatly both in the company and even in church. So many people honor him so much as if he is their god. I had always thought all those honors and favors will not last for long but right from our undergraduate level till this present time, it has not changed. Rather, it has been increasing day by day. Since he has decided never to listen to all my genuine advices to him as a good friend, then he should be dealt with.
That’s very good Ayo. I love that spirit a lot. We both have the same mindset towards him and I’m happy that you are his very close friend which will make my plans easier. I will need you to set him up for me. You know we need to do a lot of things possible in order to dent his image. As much as we would do the spiritual requirements, we still need to plan the physical aspect as well. I want us to do everything possible in order to set him up so that he can fall into the trap where he won’t be able to come out from.
Ah! Well! Sir!…. I really don’t know if I can do that sir. I just want to support you from behind. I am very scared of Ade even though I am his close friend. I really don’t want to do anything bad to him with my own hands because I am not ready for the consequences at all. I have seen so many people most especially those days on campus who have come to confess to him about how they planned evil against him and how the evil returned back to them. They had to plead for mercy from him and begged him to pray for them before they became free again. The same story happened to the manager. But since you believe that you are very strong sir, I won’t argue with you. All I plead is that I shouldn’t be a party to this. I really want to live to enjoy the money that would be given to me by Madam Carthy. I sincerely love your plans sir but I really can’t join you to execute it.
What nonsense! I thought you were a very smart man Mr. Ayo. Why are you very much afraid of your friend when he is not a god? You said so many people honored him as if he was a god but here you are shaking like leaves just because of the same little brat. Anyway! That’s your cup of tea. I love handling challenges like this. Just watch and see what I will do to that bastard. Have a good day Mr. Ayo.
Oh! Thank you very much sir.
*. * *.
You are all welcome to today’s meeting my fellow elders. I am very grateful for your cooperation. I sincerely appreciate all your cooperation to deal with any useless person that wants to go against our principles in this church. Thank you once again.
Now without any further delay, I will like us to go straight to the main reason why we are here. I believe everyone one of us has come with a very good idea on how to deal with that fool called bro Ade. We have given ourselves enough time and I am very sure that each of us have come with a better plan. Please if you are ready to share with us just signify now by raising your hands so that everything would be in order and we would have to leave this place on time before some other people start coming to the church. Elder Pius who has been the leader of the group from the first day spoke to the others.
Well! I had thought very deep and I have come to understand that this young man we are talking about here is not someone we can just do anyhow with. He is trusted by more than fifty percent of people in this church. He is loved by almost everyone as well. So I think we should just frame him up for stealing the money of the church since he is in charge as the treasurer. That is my own suggestion because I really don’t think there is any other thing we can frame him up with. Elder Samuel replied.
Hmmm! That is a good one elder Samuel. Please Elder Philip what do you have to say? Any idea from you?
To be honest sir, I have done thorough research about this bro Ade yet I can’t find anything to lay blames on him. My only idea is that we should accuse him of teaching our youths the wrong principles. We should also accuse him of the total reduction of marriage in this church as result of his useless doctrines and teachings which has also resulted to we loosing a lot of members as well. That’s the only suggestion I have Elder Pius.
Wow! That’s a nice suggestion as well elder Philip. Anyway, I think I have a deeper plan that will destroy him totally and will put hatred in the heart of all those who claim to love and respect him. Nobody will like to associate with him anymore.
Please tell us about this deep plan of yours because we are all eager to see his downfall as well. We just can’t wait to destroy that boy totally and clear him out of our way. He is just like a barrier to us. Elder Samuel who feels so eager to hear the plan responded immediately.
Alright! Please come closer a bit because I believe the walls also has ears. I don’t want another person to hear this plan apart from the three of us present here. My plan is that we can set him up for rape. Since he do have prayer meeting with the teenagers from four to six in the evening every Wednesday, I think we should use that as an opportunity. You all know that my fourteen years old daughter is also among them right? I will set him up using my daughter.
Hmmm! But how is that possible? I don’t think it would be possible. Your daughter is a very young girl and it may not really sound true to the ears of anyone who listens to it. Elder Philip replied.
I know but that is the best idea for now. You just watch and see how it would turn out and you will be amazed by my strategy. What I will do is that, I will be in church on that same day and I will wait until they close from the fellowship. I would already make plans with my daughter on what to do. All she needs to do is to go and meet bro Ade and tell him that she has something to share with him when he might have finished arranging the church and closing all the windows. You all know how compassionate he is for little children right? He won’t decline. Well! Let me end here so you guys would not start saying negative words again. Just watch out on how the whole plans will work out.
Wow! This sounds very interesting though it looks so childish and impossible to me but like you said, we will sit down here and watch how it goes. I just hope it doesn’t put us in more troubles? I really don’t want to have any issues in this church and loose the little respect and honor I have left. Elder Philip replied.
You don’t have to worry yourself at all my brother. Everything will be done perfectly or don’t you trust me anymore? You should trust me enough by this time that whatever I plan must surely come to pass. I am not a man of empty words. I do whatever I say and nobody can stop me. Nothing and no one can save that young man from my hands. He has entered into an unknown battle with me already. It’s a pity he believes that I love him due to the way I do encourage and praise his name in church every service day. Well! He just can’t come from nowhere and just begin to change what we had been doing here for years even before his birth. So many people that tried it had been sent to where they belong. I am elder Pius and I will do what I have said.
We trust you elder Pius. We all support you hundred percent. In fact! I am fully behind you. You are indeed a very strong man even at this your old age. The great tiger. Yes. That’s who you are. Elder Samuel praised Elder Pius who was just sitting on his chair smiling wickedly.
*. *. *
Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Welcome back! How was work today? My young child of seven who seems to have been sitting outside all the while waiting for me ran up to me as I opened the door of my car to hug me tightly. Though I have been very angry with Mr. Ayo from the office for behaving like a child by being afraid of his own friend and not trusting on my ability as the head of department, my child has found his way to change those anger on my face with genuine smiles.
How are you doing young man? I asked him as I had fondly called him
I am very fine daddy. I have been waiting for you in order to tell you something.
To tell me something? What is that my young man?
Daddy I had a dream this afternoon?
A dream again? Sometimes I do wonder who this young child of mine truly is. He do see a lot of things in his dreams and whenever he shares them with me and his mum, they do come to pass both the good and bad ones. So we never joke with his dreams at all. May be because his name is Joseph that is why he dreams a lot. Anyway! I really don’t know.
So tell me about this dream of yours Joseph.
Daddy! I saw a man fully dressed with white and with a crown on his head, he has a shinning face like the sun as well. He said you should not continue with that evil plan concerning his beloved son else you will see His wrath.
What! You mean the man told you that in your dream?