Seriously, I really admire the grace of God upon the life of bro Ade.

I love the way He preaches the word of God for everyone to understand.

Don’t you notice how people are always excited to see him mounting the pulpit to share God’s word? That brother is truly blessed and very anointed.

I am sincerely happy for how God is using him mightily for this generation.

He is admired and respected by everyone around him.

Even the pastor loves him greatly.

Indeed! Bro Ade is very lucky and I wish to be in his shoes one day.

He is not even experiencing any problems in his life at all.

His friend is very rich as well. Even the flat he lives in is well-furnished.

I sincerely love Bro Ade. I just pray God will elevate me to such a level in life. Nevertheless, I will keep waiting for God.

Bro Joshua spoke calmly.

Same here with me Bro Joshua. In fact, same with everyone in this church most especially the youths. They all love to be like him. He is very kind, humble and hard-working.

He is a very committed child of God despite his busy schedule at work.

I just pray the Lord will help me to be in his shoes someday so that I can be happy at last.

I really want to be used powerfully by God.

I want God to use me mightily for my generation as well.

I want to be like this Bro Ade whom God is using powerfully.

I spoke with tears almost coming out of my eyes.

Ah! Ah! Bro Victor! I understand how you feel but please don’t cry at all.

I am also feeling the same way as you.

Sometimes before now, I do get jealous of Bro Ade and feel as if he is the only spiritual brother God sees and if he is the most righteous to be used by God because I just don’t understand why he is the only person God seems to be interested in at all times.

Imagine! Have you observed that his very close friend, despite their closeness, God still did not touch that one?

Sometimes, it makes me feel that God is partial but all of these ended last week when I heard a message from a great man of God and I believe that God in His great mercies used it to teach me what I don’t understand all these while. Now I understand very well and will never try to envy Bro Ade or say all these words again.

Please what did this great man say that made you understand and change? Please tell me as well. I want to know everything. I asked bro Joshua with so much anxiety in me.

Hmmm! My dear brother! The message was very long and I learnt a whole lot of things but I will just share a little with you.

Okay! I’m listening to you. Please go ahead. I’m very eager to hear it too.

Alright! The first thing he said was that whenever we see a person whom God is using mightily especially a youth like us, we shouldn’t be jealous or angry with God for not using us in that same way as well.

He said we should never compare ourselves with them or feel as if God is partial and does not want to use us but rather chooses to use them.

He said the truth is that God is willing to use anyone ready to be used by Him but the issue is most of us are not really ready to be used by God.

We are only too busy doing activities in the house of God seeking the attention of men.

Ah! Ah! What sort of message is that one now brother Joshua? Why would the man of God say such words? If I am not ready to be used by God then why will I be coming to church almost every day engaging in one activity or the other? Why will I be praying in tongues always? Why will I sit down with my bible studying for hours? I am always very busy doing a lot of things in the house of God.

So is he saying with all these and many more that I am not ready to be used by God? In fact! That man of God is not a true man of God and I believe that he is all these so-called men who ordained themselves to be called a pastor or an Apostle.

That is why I don’t really like listening to any man of God apart from my own pastor’s message.

So that no one will say any rubbish to me.

Calm down, brother Victor. I am not done yet and please be patient. All these words you are saying weren’t said by the man of God.

He never said all your services and commitments in church are nothing. That wasn’t what he said.

He said that we should never envy those whom we see God using mightily. He also advised that we should not criticize them or try to compare ourselves with them. He said some people will even go to the extent of seeking diabolical means because they want to have power like someone else which is not right at all.

Now brother Victor! The main area I am going to is that we are really very diligent in the things of God and we are very prayerful and understand the word as well but have we been broken to that point where God can truly use us? My brother we need to reach that point where everything about us is no longer our choice or will but of God. Where we are willing to submit every area of our lives totally and allow God to deal with us and prune us of whatever is not of Him in our lives. The truth is that we have just been available in the house of God but we have not really been usable. All we just wanted was to be famous with people admiring and talking about us. We want our names to be known like Bro Ade and other anointed men of God yet we have not asked these men what their story looked like before they got to this present point. Most of them have passed through a lot of dealings with God and some are still passing through serious dealings with God who is pruning every fleshly desire in them.

Well! I have decided to stay in the secret place with God and allow Him to find expression through me. I want Him to prune me and help all my weaknesses. Just like gold is being refined to make it look more valuable, I want him to refine my life as well and then announce me by Himself rather than remaining in this place and comparing myself with another man whom God is using mightily because he has submitted himself totally to God. That is it, my brother. Right now, I only admire Bro Ade but no longer envy him, and will rather go to God and submit myself totally to Him than think evil of him.

Wow! This is really an eye-opener Brother Joshua. To be honest, I had never heard of this before. I thought since I had given my life to Christ, then God should be using me the same way He is using other ministers of God not even minding to know the sacrifice those men and women paid before they got to this their present stage. Most of them have not slept for hours, while I was busy snoring on my own bed. They were on their knees crying and asking God to help them. Some have yielded to every dealing of God in their lives even when it does not look very comfortable. Hmmm! Here I am trying to compare myself with them and even thinking God is partial. Now I understand why the pastor said in the last fellowship that God does not waste resources meaning He will never give out whatever He knows would not be used properly by a man. I need to give God total liberty in my life so that He can trust me with whatever He wants to give my generation through me. Oh! Thank you so much, bro Joshua. I am truly blessed by all that you just said. God bless you abundantly. Now I know what to do next.

Amen! You are welcome, my dear brother. May God give us the grace to submit totally to Him and to be usable by Him in Jesus name. I have to hurry up now. I will see you later in the day.

                         *.                      *                 *.          

Ah! Ah! Ade! Are you going back to church already? Aren’t you going to rest a little? Please don’t overstress yourself now. It’s not even up to five hours since we returned from church and now you are already going back again. Na wa oh. When no be you kill Jesus.

You won’t understand Ayo. This is not all about me. I am not the one that killed Jesus but at the same time, I need to make sure His death wasn’t in vain for mankind. I have taken my rest for good three hours and I have eaten a very good meal too. I understand that I should not be careless about my health and trust me, I am very conscious of my health and other areas of my life not just my Spiritual life. I believe you can testify to these facts right?

Yes! I know you are a good guy that balances all areas but my point is that you are not the one that killed Jesus. In fact, you were not even there when He was killed so try and live like a normal guy too. Forget oh! I’m also a spiritual brother like you oh. I’m even the head of the sanctuary keepers and also the welfare coordinator but that doesn’t stop me from doing like other guys. At least try and get a girl that will warm your bed when the weather is cold now. You are even lucky to be a famous guy and I know all those beautiful damsels are always dying to have you. Stop behaving as if you are the Holy Spirit yourself.

What! Are you actually the one saying all these? Am I dreaming or what? No! This is not you talking Ayo?

My brother forget oh. My spirituality ends in church and my normal life continues back at home. It was in those days on campus that I was always on fire but right now, I will behave wisely because wisdom is always profitable. See! My dear friend! You have to calm down a bit oh so that you won’t miss a lot of great opportunities due to your over-spirituality. Can’t you see that I am not bothered about anything in this life? I am not worried at all my dear because I know how to get my way.

All these attitudes of being very hard-working, spiritual, and still being very honest all the time will not take you far oh. Okay! Just look at the level I am right now in the company we both applied for the same day. I am now your boss just because you refused to accept that little thing the boss asked you to do all in the name that it wasn’t Godly. I did it with ease and I was paid heavily. Now I have my own personal business. Even when you are far more diligent and intelligent than me.

Hmmm! I’m running late already for the meeting. I will see you when I’m back. Enjoy yourself and don’t forget to do what I gave you yesterday.

Okay oh, Ade. Please send my regards to everyone and don’t stay too long because tomorrow is Monday and you need to get to the office very early.

Sure! I won’t spend more than an hour and I will be back.

Hmm! No problem now. I am here waiting for you.

Oh! Holy Spirit please help me out. I need you to uphold me because this is getting too much for me to bear alone.