Who does he think he really is? The way this boy is going eh! If we are not very careful enough, he would go beyond our control.
This young man is going too far above his limit in this church.
Formerly I thought that he is just doing all those things for eye service when he came here but with the way things are going on right now, I don’t think he is doing it for any eye service.
If we continue to sit down here and watch him, I’m afraid he would be beyond our control.
He has taken almost all our respect and honor both from the youths and the adults including the pastor.
Now people look at us as if we are not annointed.
Sometimes I feel empty when I see how God is using this young boy powerfully.
And it annoys me so much.
Elder Pius what are you trying to say? I really don’t understand what you are saying.
Who is this young man you are referring to? There are so many young men in this church and you don’t expect all of us to start cracking our brains just to know who you are talking about.
Ah! Ah! Elder Emmanuel! Is it that all of you are not aware of the havoc that boy who calls his name Ade or whatever, is causing? Can’t you see that he is trying to get everyone’s attention to himself? He is behaving as if he has been ordained as a pastor or an elder in this church.
I am not just happy with the way he preaches and prays in church.
Whenever he prayed, people would always fall under the anointing and some would go to the extent of lying on the floor praying seriously and crying at the same time. That is too much now. Why would that young man come from nowhere and start doing what we the elders are not doing? He even preaches some sermons that are not comfortable with my spirit when he knows fully well that we have some wealthy people in the church who don’t like listening to such sermons. If we don’t do something now, we may lose our wealthy members and start struggling again in this church. I remember that was how this recent pastor started before we the council of elders called him to order.
Hmmm! You are right Elder Pius. This young boy should not be allowed to continue with the way he is going. There are so many risks involved if he should continue. I really don’t like his overconfidence. He behaves as if he is Jesus. Do you know I told him to do something very small for me the other day which every normal youth of his age would gladly accept but he turned down my offer saying that he can’t do that because it is against his principles. Oh! What an insult from that stupid boy. Since then, I have promised myself to deal with him mercilessly whenever I have the opportunity to do so. He made me feel as if I was the greatest sinner that day. Though he said it respectively, he shouldn’t have rejected it at least to please me who is a well-respected elder of this great church. I will surely deal with him mercilessly whenever I get the opportunity to do so. The most painful part is how the pastor always praises his name and assigns him to do almost everything in the church. Elder Samuel spoke with anger written all over him.
I understand what you all are saying, my fellow elders. To be sincere, I know how you all feel. But the truth is that this young man has not done anything wrong to any of us. He is only a man who is very zealous for the things of God. I expected all of us to be very happy that a youth like him who is supposed to be having pleasures and destroying his destiny out there has given his totality to the Lord. This is very rare. Hardly will you see any young man of his age with the kind of job he is having to still humble himself and serve God. Honestly, I am very proud of Bro Ade. Every time I see him doing God’s work, I give glory to God because so many young people of his age have lost their destinies and lives as a result of doing evil things. You shouldn’t expect the pastor to discourage him. Not at all. Rather he should be encouraged and shown lots of love by us. He needs our support because I believe that the devil would be doing everything within his power to distract him to bring him down by using the unbelievers out there. So we as fellow believers should join hands with him and frustrate the plans of the devil rather than feeling bad about how God is using him mightily. You also shouldn’t expect to do some of the things he is doing because he still has the required strength to do them as a youth while we have passed that stage already. Come to think of it, what if this bro Ade was one of our biological children? Won’t you be proud of him? Please let’s take him as our child and give him the necessary support he needs so that God can through him touch the lives of our own children which He has started doing already. Elder Emmanuel continued speaking but was cut short by Elder Pius who was shaking and sweating already.
Enough! Elder Emmanuel! At least you should have kept quiet and not said anything rather opening your mouth to say all this rubbish. God forbid for that boy to be called my son. The truth is that I hate him and that is final. I have been in this church even before he was born so what gives him the right to come here and behave as if he is the one that builds the church? I believe everyone should learn to be in their own Lane and not do more than they asked them to do. For crying out loud, he is not the first Christian brother in this church who is filled with the fire of God. I always wonder what he is looking for in this state sometimes because this is not where he belongs. He is teaching our youths some of his principles and very soon those young girls that do warm our beds sometimes would refuse to do that again all because of this stupid boy’s teachings. He should go back to where he is coming from because we don’t need him here. More than seventy percent of our youths are already following his teachings remaining just a few of them. This is the biggest church in this state with a large population of youths and adults in attendance and so far, he has succeeded in sending most of our members including the youths away from this church because of the kind of sermon he preaches. We just can’t sit down and continue watching him doing all this havoc here. It is either he complies with us or goes back to where he is coming from. Simple.
True! You have said the right thing, my dear friend. In fact! You just spoke my mind. I sincerely want that boy to leave this church as soon as possible so that he won’t cause any problems here. I am very scared of the speed he is using to change the lives of the people and the kind of sermon he preaches when given the opportunity to preach on a Sunday service. Let us join hands together and stop him before he stops all of us. Elder Samuel replied.
Oh! I even forgot to tell you people about these as well. Don’t you all notice that the number of girls getting married these past months has reduced drastically? Just as you all know we always advise our young girls to follow all those rich men in the church so that they can be impregnated thereby giving the rich men no other option but to marry them.
Yes, we know that. They all responded except Elder Emmanuel who kept on shaking his head.
So you are not aware of it, right? In fact! Elder Emmanuel if you know that you are not comfortable with this meeting, you can kindly excuse us because we need like-minded people here. I don’t even know why you are still among us since you have never agreed to join us in whatever we do here. You are always opposing us and I really think you shouldn’t be here. We don’t need people like you in our midst after all you are the youngest among us and you don’t have a child of your own. You and your wife are barren. So always keep shut when the real men are talking. Elder Pius blasted Elder Emmanuel who stood up quietly without saying anything but just walked out of their midst.
Better! Now that Judas in our midst is no longer here, let’s continue with our wonderful discussion. As I was saying earlier on, the number of marriages in this church has reduced drastically and I have been wondering what could be the cause. Finally, I got the answer and was shocked to hear that it was this same bro Ade.
Do you know that Ade has been preaching to the youths most especially the ladies to honor their bodies and to keep themselves pure until their wedding night? He told them that they shouldn’t allow premarital sex no matter the pressure upon them. He also told them that marriage is not something they would just rush into and marry whoever comes to them simply because they are pregnant for the person rather, they should marry someone who is going in the same direction with them and someone who they truly love. These were the words my young daughter told me when I asked her about her marriage.
What! This is very serious. We truly have to do something and it should be very fast before things get worse than this. Elder Philip who has been quiet all through the conversation replied.
Yes! We have to join hands together and do something very fast. That young man must leave this church and it should be soon otherwise, there would be a lot of damages that may be beyond our control. Elder Samuel responded as well.
Well! For now, I don’t have any idea in my head. I want us to go back to our individual homes and think about this very well before we take action. I don’t want any mistakes at all. We should think of the best way to eliminate this young man before he pushes all our doctrines away. We shall meet together in the next three days to discuss again and to plan on what to do to him. Please I implore all of us to do our very best and also be careful of who we relate this issue with because as it is right now, so many people are on his side. Elder Pius spoke quietly so as not to allow other people to hear him.
Alright! We will do something about it. They all chorused together.
Oh! Thank you all for your support. I really appreciate you all. Have a wonderful day.
*. *. *
Oh God! I have been abused again because I don’t have a child of my own. This shame is too much to bear Lord. I have been very faithful to you and have never gone against your will. I and my wife have served you faithfully right from our young age till now, Yet no child of our own. Since the day we lost our first baby in the hospital on the day of his delivery, she hasn’t conceived again. You promised us a child right from that day we lost our baby yet, we haven’t seen any child yet. I cannot walk freely on the road anymore without someone pointing fingers at me and calling me all sorts of names because I am a man without a child in his old age. My wife’s issue is the worst. She has suffered a lot at the hands of other women. Every night, she keeps on crying, praying, and asking for a child even if it is just one. But no answer at all. When will you answer us and put laughter in our mouths?
It’s okay honey. My wife who was standing at the door unknown to me replied. Please don’t weep again. You don’t have to question God for He is unquestionable. I understand how you feel my dear husband but I want you to remember that God does not lie. Whatever He says, he will do. Though it might not be the time we expected it. He will surely do it because He knows the best time to bless His children. Our child shall surely come. Remember He was the one that gave us the first baby that died on the day of delivery. He can still give us another. Please don’t say any word against God. My wife held my hands as she looked into my eyes speaking those words to me.
Lord! I am sorry for saying all these words to you. We still trust in you Father though sometimes it is just too difficult for us. We will always keep our promise of serving you no matter the challenges we face in life. We won’t give up on you because we know that you are a God that never fails. Please help my family and answer our prayers oh God. Give us a child like bro Ade who has devoted his whole life to serving you.
Amen! My wife responded.
My dear! Please I want us to start interceding for bro Ade. Some people are already planning evil against him because he is zealous for God and because God is using him mightily in the church. They are not happy with him because he refuses to accept their ungodly offers and sins against his God. I want us to pray for him as if we are praying for our own biological son. That God should frustrate all the plans of the wicked and render them powerless. Sincerely, Ade needs God’s grace to be able to do the assignment given to Him by God.
Hmmm! You are right my dear husband. I really like the way that young man is zealous for God. He never jokes about the things of God at all. A very committed brother. Yes! I agree with you. We shall begin to pray for him just as we would have prayed for our own biological son.
Thank you, my lovely wife. Indeed you are a wonderful woman and mother. Let us pray!
Lord, please arise and fight against all those who are planning evil against your son bro Ade. I believe that you have sent him to this state and to this church for a purpose. Let your presence never depart from him. Continue to give him the grace to overcome every temptation that comes his way. Never allow him to compromise oh God. The strength he needs to hold you firm please give unto him in Jesus mighty name.
To be continued