I will listen to all you say here in church even if it means staying for long.

I’m so sorry ma but I can’t go home with you to discuss any issues because that will be against my principle.

If you are okay with us staying in church then it’s fine or maybe some other suitable time. Then it’s alright by me.

Hmmmn! I’m sorry for going against your principle Bro Ade. I just felt that it was getting late and don’t want to delay you with my problems but since you insist, I will just say all I have to say here.

I believe that God will use you mightily to help me solve my problems. I spoke boldly to him without fear so he wouldn’t ask me questions or start getting my message.

Go ahead, Miss Jennifer. I believe just as you have said that God will surely intervene.

He is the one who has a solution to every problem, and He is always ready to solve any problem given to Him. I am just a vessel in His hands. So go ahead, ma.

Okay, sir! Ehm! Hmm! The thing is that I have been having difficulty in my prayer life and the Holy Spirit ministered to me that I should have a prayer partner that will support me and I was led to you.

I would like the prayers to be every day if possible as a vigil since we always go to work.

I hope you will help me out, sir. Please bro Ade I sincerely need my prayer life to be vibrant again.

Hmmm! This is serious.

First and foremost I’m glad that you truly desire to boost your prayer life again but the truth is that you need the help of the Holy Spirit because He is the only one that can help you pray and for the prayer partner, I will help you talk to sis Kate about it. Since she lives very close, then she would be in the best position to help you.

She can help you by praying with you every night.

I will also be interceding for you as well in my secret place. I will call her right away.

Ehm! Alright! No problem. If you say so. I will talk to Sis Kate as well about it.

I believe she will join me in praying.

Thank you very much for your kind gesture, sir.

God bless you greatly. I am truly grateful to you. I spoke to him and at the same time blinking my eyes seductively to him to pass the message of my desires to him.

I really don’t know why this Bro Ade is just over-spiritualizing everything.

For crying out loud, can’t he be less spiritual for once and see the advances of ladies to him or will he die as a single? Oh God! Please talk to this guy for my sake now. I am dying in love with him.

This strategy I just used did not even work on him. He is just too smart for my liking. He has the right answers for every trick. Anyway, I will get him no matter what.

Sister Jennifer! Are you alright? I hope there is no problem? I have been calling you for some seconds now but you are just looking blankly at something else. Are you sure nothing is wrong?

Oh! I’m really sorry about that bro Ade. I was just thinking about something I needed to do urgently in the house. Once again thanks for all you have been doing for the youths. God bless you abundantly.
Amen! Have a wonderful night.

Thank you! Bye!

Ah! Ladies won’t just allow me to rest at all. I really need your grace oh God to overcome all these temptations and please give me the wisdom to relate well with all of them. Help me to continually fix my gaze on you always.

Good morning sir. You sent for me sir!

Yes, Mr Ayo! I asked for you. Please do have your seat. I want to discuss something very important with you about your friend Mr Ade. Since I was transferred to this company as the head of the department last month, I have been watching him closely and I have noticed he is just very different in everything he does. Please can you tell me more about your friend? I have a lot of work to give to him that will help him very well.

Wow! That’s good to hear sir but I hope that this help you want to render to him is not the usual kind of thing we are all involved in? I mean all the dirty acts of manipulating figures in the statement of account before sending to the headquarters and also the usual bribe paid to the manager to include our names in the list sent to the headquarters for promotion?

Hmmm! Well! Not those ones but something bigger and better. We have a contract with a lady who is a billionaire. My dear, this woman has huge amounts of money. Once she partners with us in this company, then we all are blessed. She came to the company last week and the first person she met was actually your friend Mr Ade. She was impressed with how hard-working he was and also how he welcomed her warmly into the organization including how he handled his presentation wonderfully. But above all, she loves how cute he looks and she is interested in him right now. I believe you understand what I mean without explaining further?

Ah! Yes sir!

She just called me last night and has requested to have Mr Ade for her personal service. I mean to keep her warm in bed and in return give this company a huge amount of money and also change the entire life of your friend for the better. Oh! I believe that this is indeed a divine favor for your friend and I know that no man in his right senses will just allow such opportunity to leave like that. Please just talk to your friend and let me have the feedback as soon as possible.

Ah! Ah! Sir! Did you just say I should go and convince my friend to accept this great offer? Oh! That will be the greatest mistake ever because Ade will never listen to me. It’s just because you are new in this company that is why you haven’t known him very well yet. Ade is a man with Godly principles and will never go against his principles for anything. He is a lover of God and will never do anything that will disappoint God for any reason even if it means you taking his life. He prefers to die doing the right thing than to live doing anything contrary to God’s will.

What! Do you mean such people still exist in this 21st century? I thought all of that ended back in the days of our forefathers? How will a very young and hard-working man like Mr Ade still have such principles? Does he want to die in poverty? Doesn’t he know that in this world, we just have to be very smart to get whatever we want? Well! I believe he is still living a holy lifestyle because he has not seen huge amounts of money yet. Do you know that money has the power to make people do what they don’t even want to do? He will bend when he sees huge amounts of money.

Hmmm! Sir! I really don’t think so oh. Do you know that this same friend of mine declined an offer from the Manager himself? An offer that was worth more than half a million. He rejected it even when the manager threatened to sack him he still stood his ground. He is still here in this company maybe because of a miracle. I don’t really think Ade will ever compromise his faith in God. Sometimes I do wonder how a man can just be too strong in his standing with God.

Well! I still want you to talk to him because the success of this company lies in his hands right now. We just can’t afford to lose those billions of naira because of him. I know she would call the manager as well and talk to him about what she wants. Make sure you make him understand the benefits he would derive from this great opportunity that is dancing in front of him. Do you understand?

Alright! I will try my best sir. I just hope he will not be very foolish this time around. I just wish I was the one this woman wants. Nothing would have made me decline. I always do imagine why good opportunities keep on knocking on the door of someone who is not ready to grab them. Anyway! I will try to talk to him.

Ayo! How are you doing now? I went to your office but you were not on seat. Where have you been all day? Later you will say that I did not bother to check on you at all. Ah! Ah! Why are you looking worried? Talk to me now or you don’t want to talk to your friend right now?

How many questions do you want me to answer Ade? Well! I am not fine and you are my problem. In fact! You are my biggest problem.
Ah! Ah! How am I your biggest problem, Ayo? Why are you so harsh on me?

I am angry with you Ade because you don’t want to wise up at all. When will you open your eyes to see all the opportunities dancing around you?

Hmmm! Which opportunity are you talking about this time around Ayo? I am confused right now because I don’t know what you are talking about.

Okay! What I am trying to say is that God has opened another door for you again today and this time around I need you to grab it because it is very huge. I don’t want you to repeat what you did to the manager the other time that almost cost you your job. If not for the miracle you received.

I am listening to you, Ayo. Tell me about this great opportunity of yours.

Alright! The head of the department called me today to his office to break the good news to me about a billionaire woman who is ready to invest in our company.

Wow! That’s good to hear.

Yes oh! But it doesn’t end there. She has only one request before she will agree to join this company and her request is only to have you.
Me? How? I don’t understand what you are saying. Have me how?

Calm down, Ade! It is a good news. She just wants you to be her friend and that’s all. She said she loved how you handled the presentation wonderfully in the last board meeting we had and she had an interest in you. My dear friend, you are a very lucky man oh. How I wish I was the one she likes. Do you know what it means to be loved by an influential person like her?

Wait, Ayo! In summary, what you are saying, she wants me to satisfy her in bed right?

Brilliant guy! You are very sharp Ade. No wonder you are this very lucky. I just hope you won’t throw this opportunity again guy. This may be your last chance oh. Even God will be tired of granting you another favor again because He knows that you will still throw it away again.

Thank you very much Ayo for your care as a friend. I truly appreciate the love you have for me but I can’t go against my Godly principles. I can’t sell my destiny for temporal enjoyment. Mind you, this is not called the favor of God but a trick of the devil. I just can’t accept all these great offers and sin against my God. What do you want me to say to God after all these mere pleasures that will still end one day? Whatever that is outside of God is not for me. If she can’t help me for the sake of my diligence and excellent performance then I don’t want her offer. I can’t fail my generation, Ayo. The world is waiting for my manifestation someday. I can’t trade my birthright now and regret it later. Do you know the number of people who believe in the God I serve because of all that I have told them and what they have seen me doing? I can’t do this and sin against God. Even if it means losing this job, I don’t care. I believe that I serve a God who will never disappoint His own.

So you are still saying all this rubbish again Ade? Do you want to be the second Jesus Christ? Are you the only believer we have in this world? Well! I won’t bother myself again. As a wonderful friend, I have tried my possible best for you but since you want to remain stubborn and foolish as you have always been right from our undergraduate days, then that’s your own cup of tea.

I will sit here and watch how your life will become miserable very soon. Don’t even bother to come to me for help oh because I won’t even answer you. Seriously I don’t even know why I am still a friend to someone who is not wise at all. I can’t cope with this kind of friendship where there is always disagreement. Have a nice day.

Ah! Ah! Ayo! Come back!

Oh! God! All these are getting tougher day by day. I thought it would end in my service year but it is worse right now. I need you Almighty God. Please don’t allow me to compromise my faith in you. Strengthen and uphold me oh God. No matter how tough it gets, help me never to give up on you.

To be continued