Wow! It’s been two days since the HOD left for his transfer, but the events of two days ago really can’t leave my mind.

I remember how the HOD was just so excited about his newfound lover and father, Jesus Christ.

He was so happy as if he just won a huge amount of money. Well! No amount of money can be compared to the salvation of our soul.

The advices he gave to me were still very fresh in my memory. Most especially the one he said most people are still standing in Christ because I am standing.

He is not the only one who has told me this. I have heard a lot from different people. I know I just can’t fail God and disappoint my generation as well but the truth is that it’s not really easy. Though! I’m so grateful for the help of the Holy Spirit who has always made it easier for me and has given me strength in times of weakness.

He has made me realize that my strength will continue to fail me times without number if I continue to depend on it.

Earlier on, when I just gave my life to Christ, I tried everything possible to live a righteous life. I tried my best never to do anything that would make God angry with me. Though I tried my best still I noticed that the more I tried, the more I continued to fall into those sins. Sometimes, I had to believe that it was impossible to live a holy life. I thought holiness was made for the great men of God alone until my Sunday school teacher taught us in church that beautiful Sunday when I was still a kid in the orphanage home, that we should make the Holy Spirit our best friend and should always relate with Him as we would relate with our best friend. She made us understand that the Holy Spirit is our helper and would do whatever we ask of Him.

Also, we should always tell Him whatever bothers our hearts at all times and He would always intervene in the matter.

Wow! That teaching changed my life and helped me to begin my relationship with the Holy Spirit which has become more stronger today. Now! I tell Him all of my fears and worries.

I do speak to Him about what is going through my mind and every decision I want to make. Seriously, He has proven to be the best father, friend, Helper, and everything to me. He has done it again by winning the soul of the HOD for His glory. I really can’t imagine the kind of celebration going on in heaven for that particular soul that came back home.

Oh! Thank you so much, Lord. Please continue to use me as your vessel to win more souls for your kingdom but most importantly help me to also stand firm in you so that I won’t lead others to the kingdom and be left behind.

This has been my earnest cry. I have read and also heard about people who were great preachers of the word and have won a lot of souls for the kingdom but got distracted by a little thing which made them miss the way.

They lost everything that they were supposed to enjoy in heaven. The glorious, shining, and beautiful crown, the beautiful mansions, the great welcome party, and so many others don’t even know yet. Oh! May I not be too busy here on earth with spiritual work and forget my personal relationship with you Father. Help me to be conscious of my personal walk with you at all times. Amen!

“Please don’t allow him to fall into that pit because he may not come out alive again. Do everything within your power to help him come back to Jesus and fulfill his own assignment in the kingdom”. These were the last words of the HOD to me before he drove out of the compound concerning my friend Ayo who wasn’t in the office at that moment.

Oh God! What will I do concerning Ayo? I have tried my best to speak to him as a friend but he has been very stubborn and would never listen to me. He has even stopped speaking to me and has warned me never to speak to him as well.

Lord, please help Ayo to know you before he falls into that pit the devil has dug for him. I know you have good plans for him father. Please don’t allow the devil to deceive him and take him away totally from you.

You need to deliver him from the hands of that strange woman whom he has just met recently and help him see the dangers of what he is about to go into. I knelt down close to my bed and continued to intercede for Ayo.

                                        *.                                         *                                    *

But daddy! This is not right at all. It is very wrong to tell lies and it is a sin against God. I really don’t want to go to hell fire. I want to make it to heaven just like Uncle Ade has taught us. If I lie or do what you asked me to do then I will go to hell fire. I don’t want to suffer all those pains he mentioned in hellfire.

Rather, I want to see the streets of gold in heaven. I want to live in a very big mansion and also play with Angels. I also want to see all the prophets in the bible who died like Elijah, Samuel, Elisha, and others. Most of all, I want to see Jesus.

Enough! My daughter.

Imagine what that stupid man has been teaching my child. She now has the guts to disobey my instructions. Why shouldn’t I eliminate that young man when he has gone even farther than I expected? I can’t continue to sit here and watch him destroy my family and the church as well. No! That can’t happen. It’s either he leaves this church, rots in jail, or dies, I don’t care at all. I thought quietly.

My daughter! I know you were taught all that by your Sunday School teacher and that is true.

But I believe that he also taught you never to disobey your parents right? Please answer me.

Yes, Daddy! He said as children of God, we must never disobey our parents but should do whatever they ask us to do so that we would live long and not die untimely.

Good! Brilliant girl. You are very intelligent my dear daughter. So you see, you should obey what I told you. Just do whatever I say to you. Is that understood?

But it is not right Daddy. Lying is not right at all.

I know you were not supposed to do any bad thing your parent asked you to do as a good child of God but I am not asking you to lie. You will just do it as if you are acting in a play or have you forgotten that you want to be the best actress in Nigeria and the world at large? This is just a good platform, my dear.

Don’t bother yourself about anything my lovely daughter. You are not going to commit any sin at all and you won’t go to hell. Remember Jesus loves little children and will not allow them to go to hell rather He would take them to heaven.

I really want you to do whatever I ask you to do this evening. I will be in church and it will be done after the children’s evening fellowship today.

Remember all that I asked you to do right? I want you to say everything I told you to the end in front of everyone and be crying as well. Make sure you allow those tears to roll down your cheeks because it will help you get more marks for this competition I am preparing you for.

Don’t forget all these would be our little secrets and no one must hear about them until when we are done.

Alright, daddy.

That’s my princess! You can go inside now.

Wow! I will see how he would escape my plans today. I will give him the deepest shock of his life today. His whole life will crumble completely.

But this plan of mine really looks very childish to me and seems impossible to do or too small to catch that young guy in my trap but that’s all that is coming to my brain right now.

No! I refuse to allow myself to be discouraged. I rebuke every spirit of discouragement and receive boldness to do what I am about to do.

Ah! Ah! Is that not Elder Philip coming from the gate? He is the one now.

Though I’m old but this my sharp eyes can’t deceive me yet. What is he doing here? I just hope there is no problem because I don’t want anything that will ruin all my plans today at all.

Well! Let me hear what he has to say before I conclude anything in my mind.

My Elder! My Elder! The one who never takes nonsense from anybody.

The great Elder of our time. The wisest of all and the strongest as well. I salute you, sir.

Oh! You are welcome, Elder Philip. I just love how you praise me every time you see me. Seriously you make me feel like a king in my palace. I love it seriously. Thanks, a lot.

You deserve it elder Pius. You are a king among the elders. At least you are the oldest, smartest, and even strongest despite your age.

In fact! You are a king and your house is your palace with your twelve children as your subjects.

Though most of them have gotten married it doesn’t matter. You are still the king and will continue to remain on the throne as long as you live.

Hmmm! This man has come with his bad mouth and a way of making jest of me as if it was a crime to give birth to a dozen children. If not for my wife who keeps on giving me girls, I wouldn’t have gone that far. Now I have ten girls and only two sons.

Anyway, I’m glad I have at least two sons because I won’t be mocked by my fellow men.

I’m happy that most of the girls have gotten married and have gone to their husbands. I’m very happy even though the marriage wasn’t the one they love but they don’t have any option because I insisted since those men have money to take care of them and their other wives as well.

Elder Pius! Where have you traveled to again? Please allow your spirit to come back from wherever he has traveled to and talk to me because I am still standing here and need your attention right now.

Oh! I’m really sorry Elder Philip! My mind just went on a quick journey about something but I am fully back right now. You can say whatever you want to say I’m all ears.

Alright, no problem! I just came to confirm how far you have gone with the plan and to know if you have changed the plans or added anything to the existing plan since today is the main day to strike.

I have been waiting for your call since morning to know whether you have done something new or at least to carry us along but it never came that is why I am here.

I am truly sorry about that elder Philip. I should have called but I was busy coaching my last daughter on what to say and what to do this evening when she goes in to meet Mr. Ade all alone in the room.

Hmmm! That’s good to hear and what was the response of your little daughter?

Ah! That man has gone far with these children oh. He has been telling them what they were not supposed to know.

Imagine! My daughter told me that I shouldn’t ask her to lie because it’s a sin and such a person will go to hell. I had to use my wisdom as the father who gave birth to her oh before a small child would just come and ruin all my plans.

Indeed! You have to use your wisdom because all these children are just too wise these days.

Well! My mind is still not accepting this plan. I just feel that it is too childish and might not work out the way we want. Don’t you think we should set him up by accusing him of stealing a huge amount of money from the church account since he is the one in charge? And we can follow the case up until he finally leaves this church. What do you think?

Well! That’s nice but I want something more disgraceful that will bring great shame upon him.

I don’t want him to be able to walk around the street anymore. Let everyone be disappointed in him.

In fact! He should be sent to jail and be completely humiliated. That is what I want.

Hmmm! That’s a very good idea Elder but you should also know that this is very risky if they eventually find out the truth.

We should at least take our time and plan something better.

We can even try to use a grown-up adult who will be able to testify against him if we pay her a very huge amount of money rather than using a little child who may later go and leak out our secret.

So who should we use right now? All the young ladies in this church are following him and will never do such to him. I’m not sure such a plan can work out elder Philip.

It will work out Elder Pius. We will do everything together. There is nothing difficult as far as I’m concerned.

Anyway! I love this plan of yours and I must say that it is indeed a beautiful one but I will take it as a plan B. I really don’t want us to waste any more time because delay is very dangerous.

Let us just try this one first and see what would be the outcome before we move further.

This young man has to be eliminated completely so that we can have peace in this church as elders and regain our honor and respect

Elder Philip! There is no harm in trying at all. I will be very careful with all of my plans so don’t bother about anything at all.

We shall all be safe. Don’t forget I have much wisdom in whatever I do.

Everything will go very well. In fact! I must commend your efforts towards this plan of ours. I really appreciate it a lot.

You are welcome, Elder Pius. I trust you completely and I know that you will always do your best in whatever you want to do. I will give you every support you need anytime and any day.

Oh! Thank you very much. You will hear from me later after the execution of the plan.

Alright Elder! Let me be on my way to the house now.

                                        *.                    *                         *.       

Oh! Jesus! I almost slept off again when I should have been preparing for my evening class with the teenagers in church. I need to be very fast so I won’t be late today.

Begin to praise me. I heard the quiet voice in my spirit.

What! Praise! But father I am supposed to be in church in the next one hour for my bible study class with the teenagers. I have a lot to teach those children today.

Go ahead, Ade! Don’t allow the devil to deceive you. Those children need to be taught today so don’t allow anything to stop you from going to church. Another voice replied almost immediately.

Though this other voice seems a bit loud, I feel it’s the Holy Spirit but why have I lost my peace all of a sudden?

No! I refuse to be confused.

Oh! Precious Holy Spirit! Please help me out. I know that I desperately want to go and teach those teenagers whom you have given to me but I really can’t understand these voices speaking to me right now.

Please help me so I won’t go against any of your instructions. Then I began to blast in tongues.

As I prayed in other tongues, my eyes were opened and I saw myself in an open vision.

I saw…

To be continued.