That man who pretended to be the prophet was not sent from me but an agent of destruction.

He was given that assignment to disconnect you from your mother whom they knew was the one standing as a pillar for your life and who blocks every arrow of destruction fired against you with her prayers.

They had tried countless times to get you but your mum’s prayer has been defending you despite all your sins and ways of life.

Your mum has been a faithful servant of mine for years.

She is the reason why you are still alive today even when those wicked people plotted to kill you in your former place of work.

She stood in the gap and interceded on your behalf immediately she saw in her dream that you were killed by the enemies.

Since they tried every means to eliminate her but couldn’t because of my wall of protection surrounding her, they decided to use an agent that would serve as a fake prophet to deceive you by telling you all what has been going on in your life and making you believe that your mother has been responsible for everything.

This has been one of the greatest weapons the enemies are using to get believers these days because they lack discernment in them.

They are easily carried away by prophecies and immediate miracles.

You became their Victim immediately you believed what the fake prophet said about your mum without even asking from me.

From that very point, you abhorred hatred in your heart for your mum, there was a disconnection in the realm of the spirit.

Though your mum was supposed to be angry with you for forsaking her in the village and also stop praying for you as the enemies expected her to do she never stopped.

Rather, she intensified her prayers for you the more. She refused to allow the enemies to have their way.

My dear son! I know you believe that you are prosperous today due to the money you were paid by that strange lady and also in the company where you work but the truth is that all those money was not supposed to make you prosperous or happy but was programmed to bring problems that will later lead to your death.

It was the prayers of your mum that diverted it and instead of it working against you, it worked in your favor and you became prosperous.

I have seen how lonely your mum has been and I decided to take her home to rest with me but her only request was to see her son again before she passed on to glory.

She wants you to be rooted in me before she leaves.

This has always been her desire.

I have no other choice but to grant her this request because she is very precious to me.

Despite all the temptations and trials that she had experienced including the death of her husband and your two siblings, she still stood firm in me.

Never for once has she denied me.

Her love for me is so much and I can’t overlook all of her sacrifices for my kingdom.

Even when the enemies tried to plant the seed of hatred in her heart towards you, she continued to ask me to fill her heart with my love which I had always done.

My son! One of the secrets some of my children all over the world are not aware of is that when he wants to destroy the life of an individual, he, first of all, disconnects such an individual from those who can help or deliver him with their prayers.

The enemy will cause a deep misunderstanding between such a person with the helper and then attack such a person.

It would only take my grace for such an individual to be saved especially when those who were to help him or her were not sensitive enough to know it was the plot of the enemies.

So many are suffering today because they have no one who will stand in the gap and intercede for them.

In your own case, your mum though very disappointed and unhappy about all your actions never gave up.

She never disowned you but kept on praying for you daily both night and day.

Oh! I have wronged my mum greatly.

I had made her suffer so much for so many years.

I really don’t deserve to be called her son nor do I deserve to be called your child as well Father.

I had failed you and I had failed my mother.

I allowed the pleasures of life to overwhelm me.

I was never satisfied with what you have given to me and was never patient as well to wait on you.

I felt your time was too slow for me and wanted a quicker way of prosperity.

Just because my inner eyes were not opened to see all the battles you have been fighting for me both night and day, I ignorantly left your presence.

Oh! I am not worthy to be standing in front of you Lord.

My life has been messed up completely and I completely deserve to be punished.

I had said so many wrong things against you Lord and had used my influence to turn the hearts of so many souls away from you.

I am deeply sorry for everything Father. Oh! Please forgive me.

I am here for you my child Johnson. Despite all your iniquities and ways of life, I had never stopped loving you.

My love for you is beyond all your weaknesses and sins. I died on that cross just because of the love I have for you. You don’t need to feel guilty anymore because I have forgiven you all of your sins. I know how sorry you are because I see your heart and I have forgiven you.

My blood has washed away all of your sins and your life has been exchanged with mine.

Though you have made so many people leave my presence by what you did in the past henceforth, the multitude of souls would be brought back to my kingdom through you.

Though the devil thought he had succeeded in taking you away and destroying your life unknown to him, you were actually trained by all those experiences which you will use as a testimony to draw the souls of men back to me.

Through this story and experiences of yours, men will get to know me more deeply.

Henceforth, you shall be fishers of men. I will use you greatly to expand my kingdom.

Ah! Not me Lord! I am not worthy at all. What about all my sins and weaknesses? I am not fit to be used by you Father.

I am inadequate Lord.

I don’t even deserve to be called your son because I sold my right already to the devil.

Who will listen to me when I preach out there? I don’t even know what to say to the people.

For so many years I had spoken against the gospel and said all sorts of bad things about you to those people.

I am not worthy to do this Father.

I am too small to do such a big assignment, Lord.

Johnson! I know you are small but you are not too small or unrighteous to be used by me.

You must learn to abide in my presence without looking at yourself.

You will not be able to hear from me or speak for me if you are looking at yourself.
You will always be inadequate.

You will always be unworthy of what I call you to do, but it will never be your adequacies or worthiness that will qualify you to be used by me.
You must stop looking at your own unworthiness and begin to look at my righteousness.

When you are used, it is because of who I am, not who you are.

Stop complaining about your inadequacies because this only reveals that you are looking to yourself more than to me, which is the main reason why I am able to use only a few of my people for what I desire to do.

Never stop looking unto me, my son.

My strength will be sufficient for you.

I am sending you somewhere where you shall be trained by my son who has been waiting for you for so long.

Your assignment begins immediately because there are so many things to be done with the limited time left before I come in my glory to take my people home.

Go in this thy might for I am with you always.

He vanished suddenly as I kept on shouting Father! Father! Then I woke up and realized that it had been a dream all along.

No! This is not just a mere dream but a divine visitation.
He was here with me.

Though it looked like I was dreaming it was real.

Oh! I feel very light right now.

I feel as if a heavy load has been lifted from my shoulders.

The peace in my heart is beyond description. Oh! This is a new me.

Hello! Mr. Ade! Please come to my office immediately.

Yes sir!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Oh! Please come in Mr. Ade.

Ah! Ah! What happened to the HOD? Why is he looking very happy right now? He was very mad at me a few hours ago and now, here he is looking very excited.

I really don’t understand this boss of mine at all.

I thought quietly as I looked at him with a shocked expression written all over my face.

I saw him, Mr. Ade! I spoke with Him.
He called me His son.

He told me that He loves me. He was sitting right here. He was real.

I don’t understand you, sir. Please who are you talking about sir? I asked him feeling very confused already.

I saw Jesus Mr. Ade. I spoke with Jesus. I never believed He was real. You told me He is but I never accepted I am well convinced right now that He is real.
He spoke with me.

He is the great SHEPHERD. He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. Oh! He is the Ancient of days. He showed me everything.

He spoke with me lovingly. He showed me mercy. Yes! He said He has forgiven me of all my sins.

I saw the One whom you have always stood firm for. I saw Jesus.

Wow! This is amazing.

Who would have thought that the HOD could be saved within the space of just a few hours? Who would have thought that this same man who had blackmailed the name of Christ moments ago would be here singing His praise? Is this not the same man who has sworn to destroy me totally for standing firm with all of my Godly principles and for being a faithful Christian?

Ah! Indeed! There is nothing too difficult for this great God.

He wondrously does His own things.

Mr. Ade! Why are you not saying anything? You have been standing there looking at me with your mouth wide open. I know you are surprised right?

Yes sir! Though I know that God was about to do something extraordinary in your life I never expected it to be this fast.

I’m so marveled with how He does His own things.

I am really grateful to God.

Congratulations to you sir. The best decision a man can ever make which is the decision to be saved is what you have just done sir.

I am so happy right now sir. Oh! Hosanna is the Highest.

Yes! Mr. Ade! Glory be to God. Who would have thought that I Johnson would have been transformed today.

God is indeed a loving father. He never condemned me to death.

He never cast me away from His presence despite how unrighteous I was.

He spoke with me just like a father would do with His child.

He has given me the great Commission and that is what I will do because He has assured me of His ever presence.

I am not afraid of what I will face out there and I will ensure that each person I come in contact with hears about Jesus and accept Him into their life.
I will speak to the people how loving God is to me.

Oh! Thank you Father for the life of Mr. Johnson.

I thought quietly. Then I hear His voice quietly in my spirit.

“This is the reason why he was brought here. To be redeemed back to him through you. That purpose has been achieved”. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and then kept quiet.

As I tried to ask the Holy Spirit further questions in my heart, we heard someone knocking on the door.

Mr. Johnson asked the person to come in and the young man walked in with a white envelope in his hand.

Good day sir. This message was sent in few minutes ago from the headquarters and I was asked to hand it over to you sir.

Alright, thank you very much. Mr. Johnson replied as he collected the letter from him.

The young man who was shocked by Mr. Johnson’s response handed the letter to him with his hands shivering imagining what could have happened to the ever-annoying boss.

Immediately the young man left the office, Mr. Johnson opened the letter and shouted.

Wow! My transfer letter is here. I am going to my place of assignment already. Yes! He told me that there wasn’t enough time anymore.

I believe this was done by my father in heaven so that I can resume my original assignment immediately.

What! Letter of transfer? So soon?

Yes, Mr. Ade! There is no time to waste anymore.

So many souls out there are dying every day.

They need to hear about my Father.

They need to be won to the kingdom.

I guess my main purpose for coming here was to have this great encounter with the Lord through you.

It is time to go out and bring others to His kingdom.

He has prepared the one who will train me for this assignment already and I am more confident that His presence is with me.

Oh! Now I understand what He meant when He said those words to me.

Mr. Ade! Thank you so much for standing firm for God. Thank you for not compromising your faith even when your life was at stake.

Thank you for believing and depending so much on Jesus.

You are indeed a role model.

Your stand for God has led to my encounter today.

Thank you for not accepting all the lies of the devil.

Oh! You may not know but so many are standing today because you decided to stand and believe in God.

Thank you for teaching me how important it is to stand on my Godly principles even when everyone else is doing otherwise. I will never forget this.

I will also go straight to my mum to plead for her forgiveness because she is also a greater reason why I am still here standing today.

Thank you once again, Mr. Ade. I pray the presence of God will never depart from you. He would give you the strength you need to continue to hold on to Him.

Glory be to God sir.

I am truly grateful. Goodbye Mr. Ade.

I watched my HOD with my mouth wide open as he began to pack a lot of files from his desk joyfully since he was asked through the letter to resume in his new place immediately.

Oh! This God is awesome. Indeed! What God cannot do does not exist.

Who is next on the list now?

To be continued